Take Your Workout to the Water!

SUP Yoga on beautiful Mission Bay!
SUP Yoga on beautiful Mission Bay!

Do you feel like your workout has fallen into a rut?  Have you stopped looking forward to going to the gym? Are you bored of using the same treadmill or doing sit-ups on the same mat every week? How about taking your workout to the water? The Mission Bay Aquatic Center, an Aztec Recreation facility located in Mission beach, has several classes to help breathe life back into your workout and get you excited about exercising.

Stand Up Paddling is an example of a fun and effective way to combine core strength with cardio. This dual workout technique works to increase your heart rate and help get you faster results! We offer four types of Stand Up Paddling classes: Stand Up Paddling-Basic Skills, SUPcore Yoga, SUPcore Fit and SUPcore Train. For first time paddlers, Basic Skills is a great class to get you comfortable with the equipment! You will learn proper stroke technique, steering, standing position, etc. all while touring Mission Bay.  Our SUPcore Yoga class takes your yoga practice outside and onto your paddleboard, all while challenging your flexibility, balance and focus. SUPcore Fit is a fun way to get in a rigorous full body workout. Starting with a warm-up paddle, this class will lead into exercises working every major muscle group in your body. Finally, SUPcore Train is the perfect course for those interested in SUP races. This class will improve your long distance paddling, get you moving with a soft sand run and sharpen your interval paddle strokes. To view a current class schedule click here (http://www.mbaquaticcenter.com/stand_up_paddling.htm)

For those of you who are short on time, the Mission Bay Aquatic Center also offers Stand Up Paddleboard rentals. This is a great way to utilize the facility whenever it is convenient for your schedule and still get a chance to change up your workout. These 2 ½ hour paddleboard rentals include your equipment, a life preserver, and for first timers, an orientation to get you all set up and paddling correctly.  For current rental rates click here (http://www.mbaquaticcenter.com/rentals.php )

Make sure to change up your workout to make it fun and exciting every time. Visit the Mission Bay Aquatic Center today!


Mix up your old workout routine and get involved in a Recreation Class through the ARC! Judo begins on October 15th, so you have plenty of time and no excuse not to be there! This class is held from 6:00 – 8:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10/15 – 11/19 in the Mat Room of Peterson Gym.

This beginning study of grappling Martial arts is a great workout and introduction into traditional Kodokan Judo. There is a heavy emphasis on practical Judo/Jiu Jitsu as well, since the instructor, John Ramos, is a fourth (Yodan) degree Black Belt in Jiu Jitsu. These weekly classes will also grant students experience with command and control techniques derived from the art of Dumong, a traditional Filipino style of wrestling.

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Rec Class Lead Aimee Orozco had the opportunity to speak with Sean Papenhausen, a dedicated Judo student about his experience with this form of martial arts and recreation classes through the ARC.

1.) Are you an SDSU student? If so, what year are you and what is your major?

Yes, I am a junior at SDSU and I am majoring in Environmental Engineering.

2.) How many semesters have you participated in the ARC’s Judo Rec Class?

I have been a member of the Judo Rec class for six semesters.

3.) Why did you choose Judo over all of the other Martial Arts?

I chose judo because it teaches the fundamental skills involved in all martial arts; balance, timing, and how to defend against or redirect an opponent’s movement.

4.) Have you made new friends/relationships/connections because of the class? Please explain.

Yes, since I joined the class I have gone to several tournaments including a Karate tournament in Ocean Beach were students of many different art forms compete in a sparring match where you earn points based off of how many times you strike your opponent. I met people from many different areas, some of which had even been international competitors and had participated in the Olympics.

5.) What is the most rewarding part of Judo?

I find that the most rewarding aspect of participating in judo is the level of confidence I have in myself. Since I started, I no longer fear speaking and/or interacting with other people and I can even speak in front of large groups of people, an action that I had previously thought impossible.

6.) What is your current belt ranking? Have you moved up in your time at Rec Judo?

I started out from scratch, having no experience in any form of martial arts and have since received the rank of Son Que Brown. In another few months I hope to achieve the next rank.

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Interview By: Aimee Orozco
Photos By: Jared Kebler
Article By: Kayla Heaviside